Thursday, August 27, 2009

Answers to Questions from the Begining.

Anwers to the questions posted from the Begining of the Modules.
Therapeutic use of Stories to facilitate Healing & Growth


1. Is the stories done by the therapist and reads to the child?

Not always, sometime it can be done by the client himself/herself, but most of the time is done by the therapist/caregiver because sometimes children has too painful or too difficult feelings bottled up inside which they are unable to process and digest these troubled feelings all by themselves. The therapist needs to be an empathic helper who can offer them a listening ear and be understanding. The therapist also needs extra effort to imagine in how the child think and see things, in another words to be in the child’s shoe to look at things. When the therapist helped the child to think about what happened and also all the troubled feelings through the story created, it can help prevent these negative feelings building up entangled mess inside the child.

2. What do I want to learn from Therapeutic use of Stories?

In TUOS I have learned:
• Using a skeleton stories Alex provide to do a complete story using 6PSM and taped it up using Audacity
• Using the story narration in Audacity to do a puppet show
• Using pictures provide together with 6PSM and do a story together with my ACL members.
• How to do personal reflection using the story pictures.
• How to do a storybook with the help of my ACL members.

3. How can we blend both stories telling and Small World Play?

Through story and play or imagination some children are able to say what they are feeling. Children are not good at answering a direct question, like are you hurt? How are you feeling, are you disappointed or frustrated? Therefore, they cannot reach out to the therapist using vocabulary to express out their feeling of hurt, sad, scare and etc. If this is the way, then how can the parents, caregivers or the therapist are able to give the children their empathy. When this happened then Small World Play provides a platform where the child can tell out his/her story, using the figurines and objects. In here, the therapist will be able to reflect on the story put up by the child.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for an excellent summary of your personal learning from this module.
