Anwers to the questions posted from the Begining of the Modules.
Therapeutic use of Stories to facilitate Healing & Growth
1. Is the stories done by the therapist and reads to the child?
Not always, sometime it can be done by the client himself/herself, but most of the time is done by the therapist/caregiver because sometimes children has too painful or too difficult feelings bottled up inside which they are unable to process and digest these troubled feelings all by themselves. The therapist needs to be an empathic helper who can offer them a listening ear and be understanding. The therapist also needs extra effort to imagine in how the child think and see things, in another words to be in the child’s shoe to look at things. When the therapist helped the child to think about what happened and also all the troubled feelings through the story created, it can help prevent these negative feelings building up entangled mess inside the child.
2. What do I want to learn from Therapeutic use of Stories?
In TUOS I have learned:
• Using a skeleton stories Alex provide to do a complete story using 6PSM and taped it up using Audacity
• Using the story narration in Audacity to do a puppet show
• Using pictures provide together with 6PSM and do a story together with my ACL members.
• How to do personal reflection using the story pictures.
• How to do a storybook with the help of my ACL members.
3. How can we blend both stories telling and Small World Play?
Through story and play or imagination some children are able to say what they are feeling. Children are not good at answering a direct question, like are you hurt? How are you feeling, are you disappointed or frustrated? Therefore, they cannot reach out to the therapist using vocabulary to express out their feeling of hurt, sad, scare and etc. If this is the way, then how can the parents, caregivers or the therapist are able to give the children their empathy. When this happened then Small World Play provides a platform where the child can tell out his/her story, using the figurines and objects. In here, the therapist will be able to reflect on the story put up by the child.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
My reflection on TOUS
In this challenging world that I am living, I saw a lot of suffering especially the children which was born that way or circumstances put them that way. I felt that I need to put a lof of effort together with others to heal and provide comfort for them.
But firstly before I can go to the maximum to provide them with this greatness effort, I myself need to get in touch with the shadow.
Many times, I thought maybe something happened to me that make my unconsciousness overpowering the shadow or repressed it deep in me (like the dragon deep in the lake). Until I recently read from a blog (http//group – Robert Augustus) He mentioned that another kind of shadow can be emergent capacities (which was new and undeveloped) that we have not yet owned and inhabited. Hmmm... make sense, maybe....
I really want to help the children but I thought that I do not have the knowledge or the power to do so. I am stuck being as I project myself to be ‘lower self’ than what I’m really supposed to be. I am functioning in my old ways – comfortable, monotonous, contented, and fixed self, unable to responsibly integrate and incarnate my highest potentials and awareness.
Now, my mission to recognise this shadow that hold on to this low or primitive aspects of the psyche.
To be aware of that possibility
To cast or put aside that this exist and operating in me
To find the clarity and most of all the courage
To choose to live in my highest capacities.
When Alex said that the 6PSM actually tells a lot of our shadow. Oh my.. the 1st instant POP UP in my mind.
Shadow = Dark side = something evil, deceitful, bad, harmful and etc. cold and I know it is not TRUE. Why put it into a DARK SHADOW where I have the power and capacity to put it instead to A GOLDEN SHADOW
My own formula: GOLDEN SHADOW = something warm, kind and creative
The shadow is always at the losing side, always unaware push or put away by our own unconscious because it has been considered as a threatening to the integrity of our perceives self.
So, beware and move aside, I am waking up my GOLDEN DRAGON.
But firstly before I can go to the maximum to provide them with this greatness effort, I myself need to get in touch with the shadow.
Many times, I thought maybe something happened to me that make my unconsciousness overpowering the shadow or repressed it deep in me (like the dragon deep in the lake). Until I recently read from a blog (http//group – Robert Augustus) He mentioned that another kind of shadow can be emergent capacities (which was new and undeveloped) that we have not yet owned and inhabited. Hmmm... make sense, maybe....
I really want to help the children but I thought that I do not have the knowledge or the power to do so. I am stuck being as I project myself to be ‘lower self’ than what I’m really supposed to be. I am functioning in my old ways – comfortable, monotonous, contented, and fixed self, unable to responsibly integrate and incarnate my highest potentials and awareness.
Now, my mission to recognise this shadow that hold on to this low or primitive aspects of the psyche.
To be aware of that possibility
To cast or put aside that this exist and operating in me
To find the clarity and most of all the courage
To choose to live in my highest capacities.
When Alex said that the 6PSM actually tells a lot of our shadow. Oh my.. the 1st instant POP UP in my mind.
Shadow = Dark side = something evil, deceitful, bad, harmful and etc. cold and I know it is not TRUE. Why put it into a DARK SHADOW where I have the power and capacity to put it instead to A GOLDEN SHADOW
My own formula: GOLDEN SHADOW = something warm, kind and creative
The shadow is always at the losing side, always unaware push or put away by our own unconscious because it has been considered as a threatening to the integrity of our perceives self.
So, beware and move aside, I am waking up my GOLDEN DRAGON.
ISSUU provides platform and service for people to publish their books, magazine, journal and etc online. I think that it is a very useful site for us, especially when we need to do storybook.
Their mission:
Issuu turns your documents into beautiful online publications. Publish to an audience of millions and get your message across to anyone, anywhere. It only takes a minute and it's free.
Features and benefits
•Upload your documents and we turn them into professional online publications.
•Enjoy the best reading experience online (fullscreen with crisp vector graphics).
•Explore a living library with the web's most interesting publications.
•Post/embed your publications anywhere online (Facebook, MySpace, Blogger, etc.)
•Get a high rank on Google and receive detailed statistics about your readers.
•Create a custom viewer design and integrate your publications on your website.
X10 has created a CPPD programme group for us, just click the link and join.
Have fun.
Online discussion on Friday 22, 2009
We are all so excited into doing the storybook and myself felt that I am so eager to transform our storybook into a real version. Just imagine a real co-writer/author which I have dreamed of so many times to put my imaginary into words then story. Most of all I really need to thank Alex for giving me this opportunity to take my 1st step into storywriting. Hopefully I will be able to continue and expand from here.
After everyone input of idea on what to put into this storybook, we detoured to our report which Alex wanted us to reflect on our group using this 6PSM pictures. I tell you I have a blank mind at 1st, even X10 with alots of experience in this sector keep on saying, headache-headache. However, with 'Tai Kai Chei' (Pris) on board everything can, she took us round the maze one-by-one. Without feeling dissapointed everytime she asked why no response from me and in her she knew that I did not get it, but she keep on going, until POP there it is - in front of me. One by one it falls into place, then I keep on pouring out my reflection on the 6PSM pictures.
Picture 1 - The Lady
Why is the water so milky and dirty, what is underneath there, something harmful ? Anything anytime danger is going to jump up at me? Better don't go near...
I have already get more of the learning from the CPPD'09 modules. Armed with these resources, I will need to use these on the children. Can I do it, is the way clear for me to walk? The fear is still in me whether will it be successful, will I able to juggle with my busy schedule, my job, my family, my center and etc. To be able to recognize; "What will be the worst thing if it happen?" Be able and ready to face the worst thing that will happen. Be courageous to take this up. I know there are a lot of "rescuers" and they will not let me drown. I will stay focus and positive.
Picture 2 - The Mountain
The Mountain is so huge and I am so small, if I am to climb up can I manage to go up. It is so beautiful from here. How to make it. Fear of whether can reach to the other side and up the top.
Firstly I need to cross this wide river, upon reaching the shore I will make small steps to the foot of the mountain and find the trail that others have taken. I will use the trail provide and make small steps one by one, climb slowly toward the top. Reflects on my mission to 'heal the children' even it will take many many years but I will be patience and positive and no rush job.
Picture 3 - The Witch
Can the witch be the uncontrolled environment that hinder me from taking the 1st step.
The witch will be saying, that "Hey, why wake up the shadow, you can go on without it. It has been so for so long, why want to disturb the schedule." I need to stop the witch, that is my fear, acknowledge it and be able to accept my small progress through out the course.
Picture 4 - The Waterfall
Here is so peaceful, the water is so clear compared to the lake. Bright flowers everywhere, I feel so calm, relax and in peace, the sound of water is so pleasing.
Can it be the sweet success that I looking for? Must be with bright and colourful future.
Picture 5 - The Unicorn
Unicorn, my savior, my hero, my prince, save me and my day. Brings me joy, peace and love.
Can it be my SET MEMBERS who disguised as unicorns be my savior, my hero - lead, save and rescue me. And will always be there for me.
Picture 6 - Gaia
Why is the girl not smiling? Even though everything is so colorful, she seem not to be happy where everything is at peaceful, why? Is the duty of holding the globe too heavy?
The duty of 'Healing the children' will be very heavy but the action is worthwhile, in the end I know I help the children, and if I heal 1 child when he/she grow-up and he/she is able to follow my foot step in heal others and in the end the world will be a better place to live in.
It takes deep courage to face my shadow, it will not be small feat to integrate it. I do not know how difficult the process can be or how I feel down the road, but inorder to get the best part of me I need to do it.
Even my 'home-minister' always commented "You have everything deep inside you but how to lure it out it always make me so helpless, sometimes you are too humble and downgraded yourself." Maybe this is the moment and time to break the gate.
After everyone input of idea on what to put into this storybook, we detoured to our report which Alex wanted us to reflect on our group using this 6PSM pictures. I tell you I have a blank mind at 1st, even X10 with alots of experience in this sector keep on saying, headache-headache. However, with 'Tai Kai Chei' (Pris) on board everything can, she took us round the maze one-by-one. Without feeling dissapointed everytime she asked why no response from me and in her she knew that I did not get it, but she keep on going, until POP there it is - in front of me. One by one it falls into place, then I keep on pouring out my reflection on the 6PSM pictures.
Picture 1 - The Lady
Why is the water so milky and dirty, what is underneath there, something harmful ? Anything anytime danger is going to jump up at me? Better don't go near...
I have already get more of the learning from the CPPD'09 modules. Armed with these resources, I will need to use these on the children. Can I do it, is the way clear for me to walk? The fear is still in me whether will it be successful, will I able to juggle with my busy schedule, my job, my family, my center and etc. To be able to recognize; "What will be the worst thing if it happen?" Be able and ready to face the worst thing that will happen. Be courageous to take this up. I know there are a lot of "rescuers" and they will not let me drown. I will stay focus and positive.
Picture 2 - The Mountain
The Mountain is so huge and I am so small, if I am to climb up can I manage to go up. It is so beautiful from here. How to make it. Fear of whether can reach to the other side and up the top.
Firstly I need to cross this wide river, upon reaching the shore I will make small steps to the foot of the mountain and find the trail that others have taken. I will use the trail provide and make small steps one by one, climb slowly toward the top. Reflects on my mission to 'heal the children' even it will take many many years but I will be patience and positive and no rush job.
Picture 3 - The Witch
Can the witch be the uncontrolled environment that hinder me from taking the 1st step.
The witch will be saying, that "Hey, why wake up the shadow, you can go on without it. It has been so for so long, why want to disturb the schedule." I need to stop the witch, that is my fear, acknowledge it and be able to accept my small progress through out the course.
Picture 4 - The Waterfall
Here is so peaceful, the water is so clear compared to the lake. Bright flowers everywhere, I feel so calm, relax and in peace, the sound of water is so pleasing.
Can it be the sweet success that I looking for? Must be with bright and colourful future.
Picture 5 - The Unicorn
Unicorn, my savior, my hero, my prince, save me and my day. Brings me joy, peace and love.
Can it be my SET MEMBERS who disguised as unicorns be my savior, my hero - lead, save and rescue me. And will always be there for me.
Picture 6 - Gaia
Why is the girl not smiling? Even though everything is so colorful, she seem not to be happy where everything is at peaceful, why? Is the duty of holding the globe too heavy?
The duty of 'Healing the children' will be very heavy but the action is worthwhile, in the end I know I help the children, and if I heal 1 child when he/she grow-up and he/she is able to follow my foot step in heal others and in the end the world will be a better place to live in.
It takes deep courage to face my shadow, it will not be small feat to integrate it. I do not know how difficult the process can be or how I feel down the road, but inorder to get the best part of me I need to do it.
Even my 'home-minister' always commented "You have everything deep inside you but how to lure it out it always make me so helpless, sometimes you are too humble and downgraded yourself." Maybe this is the moment and time to break the gate.
The Legend of Dragonville - 2nd Edition
The Legend of Dragonville
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Dear set-members, so sorry to inform you all that the 1st version I have Seok Bin's name minus an 'n' therefore need to do once again into this 2nd version. Minta maaf. Thousand apology.
Shared via AddThis
Dear set-members, so sorry to inform you all that the 1st version I have Seok Bin's name minus an 'n' therefore need to do once again into this 2nd version. Minta maaf. Thousand apology.
The Legend of Dragonville
The Legend of Dragonville
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I have been searching for this respository for many months, especially during the time that we are doing the SWP cookbook. It has been in my mind since then, and I always wondered "How can an author publish his books for easy reference in the internet" and I have found some but the fee is very expensive, and I need one FOC.
Here it is, the link will take you to my ISSUU website where I have store our storybook and in the form of PAGE TURNER PDF. You can also join in to this website, so that you can publish your storybook in future.
Thanking the weather is good, where there is no Fog as thick as Soup to blind my way to find ISSUU. Hehehe. Enjoy yourself. Hope you like it.
Shared via AddThis
I have been searching for this respository for many months, especially during the time that we are doing the SWP cookbook. It has been in my mind since then, and I always wondered "How can an author publish his books for easy reference in the internet" and I have found some but the fee is very expensive, and I need one FOC.
Here it is, the link will take you to my ISSUU website where I have store our storybook and in the form of PAGE TURNER PDF. You can also join in to this website, so that you can publish your storybook in future.
Thanking the weather is good, where there is no Fog as thick as Soup to blind my way to find ISSUU. Hehehe. Enjoy yourself. Hope you like it.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
My Intrepretation of Witch - Good or Bad

When we were doing our 6PSM, I happened to pick up the above card for Obstacles in the main character, which was a Witch and after that I told out my story smoothly and uncousiously without me having to dig in my 'thinking tank'. After we came to the end of the story, Alex mentioned that this story really reflected each one of us, it really scared me to pieces, according to my personal dictionary a Wicked Witch is a Destroyer and it will of course build up every obstacle to hinder the progress. Where is the goodness? Am I the reflection of the Wicked Witch, Bad?
I even try very hard to trick Pricilla, Cheng and also X10 to do the reflection on the Witch. Hehehehe. But anyway, they give me a 'roundabout turn', so I turn to my last resort, our Sifu-loh. I sent him a short email and the reply he gave me was a full A4 page. I read a few times until I understand and he also send me this link to view differently about witches (
I have been brought up in a cultural society, where good is good and bad is bad, never have I see what lie beyong the BAD. I read story books and watch movies where almost every resources protrayed the witch to be bad, and as a result negatively implanted into me.
"At the Forbidden Mountain, there lives a wicked witch who wants the black dragon to wake up from it sleep to create a havoc to the town. So, every given opportunity she will try to stop the sweet generous lady from coming and sing her song. At one time, she make a thunderstorm so bad that the lady can hardly see the way to the lake."
Either Bad or good, a Witch is a very powerful personal, who always trys every means to gain knowledge, and also spell of control.
My reflection:
I am like a seeker who are looking for something that will improve my life and also the life of the unfortunate in someway, but I may not realize that it is already inside me. In this quest, I have already embrace learning and received the knowledge, from the resources in the form of CPPD courses (Forbidden Moutain) and already have my own power to help those unfortunate to better the society so that they will be able to fend and improve themselves. But firstly, I needs to unleash and disrobe my 'unknown force' which is inner strength (wake up the black dragon) which I have unconsciously (the lake) try to block it from coming out so that it will not disturb my present contented, comfortable and monotonous life like (at the present moment, as beautiful, innocent, young, tranquil, perfect undifferentiated state as represented by the 'woman')
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Once upon a time, in Dragonville there was a beautiful lady by the name of Saber stayed near to Lake Dragon. She was as pretty as a snow princess, as sweet as the honey and not to forget as generous as a king. Saber came from the descendant of the white witch ancestors,who keep peace to the world. In deep of the lake, there laid Black Dragon who was put into a deep sleeping spell by Saber's anscestor.

Lake Dragon was surrounded by the most harmonious mountain which was created and nurtured by GOD of TATA who is also called GOD of Protection. Besides, protecting the mountain and the land where Saber stayed, he also kept an eye to the spell casted on the Black Dragon from being broken whereby disaster will be fallen to the land. Saber, has taken over from her ancestor as a Guardian of the Black Dragon. Each evening without failed, she have to sing a song to the Black Dragon inorder to comfort it and continued sleeping. According to the village legend, if she happen to fail, then bad disaster will falls to their village.

On top of the Forbidden Mountain, there lived Sodor who is a very wicked witch and also the nemesis to GOD Tata and Saber, who wanted the Black Dragon to wake-up from it deep sleep to create a havoc to the village. So, in every given opportunity she will try to stop Saber from coming and sing her song. At one time, she made a thunderstorm so bad that Saber can hardly see the way to the lakeside.

But Saber was very smart, she follows the sound of the waterfall and then the stream which will lead her to the direction of the lake.

Sodor the wicked witch, tried her migthy power to stop Saber from following the sound of the waterfall and the stream. She then created a delusion of another waterfall inorder to distract Saber, and instead of going towards the lakeside, she sent her to the direction of the mountain, her lair.
(Seeing what has happened, GOD Tata quickly send his helper, the Unicorn who appeared mysteriously in the middle of Saber pathway and stopped her from going further. The Unicorn then carried Saber on it's back and flew her out of danger and back to the lakeside. When Saber reached there she saw the water of the lake was unrest, and without wasting anytime she quickly sing her song.)

Saber felt relieved that she was in time, and able to save the day, by continuing spreading her love and care to the Black Dragon, who after hearing Saber melodious voice decided not to emerge from the lake and instead went back to sleep again.
Day by day, Saber continued her duty assigned to her by singing to the Black Dragon and this give peace to the world. She also send out her dove not only to spread her love to the people, but also to be her watchful eyes, to warn her before hand if the Sodor the wicked witch decides to attack again. The End.
The moral of the story:
When comes the moment of desperation and lost, one always must have faith and hope for solution (Unicorn) to bring her/him to the correct direction.
My reflection on myself, on card no. 4. the Witch
The fear in me that I do not have enough confident on whatever I am doing now, I am in a way, scared what if I did not do enough to help the helpless? Instead of helping them, I created a havoc that can make them worst?
Sunday, August 2, 2009
My Character - Papa Spike, Mama Emma, Self-Starlit, sister Snowangel, Hamster Chico.

In the forest of Wonder-wonder, there lives a bear family; there is Papa Spike, Mama Emma and little Starlit. Starlit was loved and pampered by both her parents; they treated her like a princess. Starlit has everything, like pretty dresses, many wonderful toys, beautiful bedroom painted with lovely rainbow colours, and even Papa Spike made for her a big soft bed by himself. Under the guidance ship and the shower love by the parents, she is very loveable, kind, considerate and humble, but it all changes after the addition member in the bear family.
After the birth of her little sister bear Snowangel, she is forced to share everything that she had with her. Her parents spend less time with her because of the demanding up bring of the Snowangel. Even now Starlit needs to do house chores and also to help to take care of her little sister when her parent is not free. When she refused to share thing especially the toys with Snowangel, Papa Spike and Mama Emma will scolded her and asked her not to be so selfish, and this made her feels sad and neglected and also that her parents no longer loved her. She also becomes bad temper and uncaring towards her sister due to her jealousy.
One day, while she was playing with her favourite doll Coco which her mother had made for her when she is still very small, her sister Snowangel came by and said to her, "Starlit I want Coco, I want to play with the Coco", and Starlit replied "No, Coco is my favourite doll, you are not to have it, go away and play with your own doll". After hearing that, Snowangel go running to mama bear, "Mama, mama, see Starlit do not let me play with her doll, she chased me away and scolded me she is so mean" and she wept. Mama Emma heard that and then called out for Starlit, and scolded her, “Starlit, how can you be so selfish and rude, I have said to you many times that all the toy in this house are to be shared by both of you, and that Snowangel is still small and you need to give in to her and not to scold her, do you understand”.
After being scolded by her mother, Starlit went into her room and cried, "Sob-sob, why should I need to share with my sister, don’t she has her own toys to play with, why must she take mine too. Nobody in this house listened to me and love me anymore, and I feels that I do not belong here anymore, why should I still stay here then, I might as well go from this house". She then planned to run away from home, tonight after everybody went to sleep and will go to Hamster Chico her new friend’s house. Chico and her family had just moved into the neighbourhood and become closed friend with Starlit.

Chico lived with his parents and his six siblings at the bottom of an old big tree. She had told Chico everything that had happened and asked her whether is it ok if she stays in her house. Chico replied, “It is okay, you are always welcome to stay as long as you like.” When Starlit took the first step into Chico’s house, she was shocked, “Is this your house? It looked very different from my imagination but very interesting. By the way, where is the bedroom?” “ohhs….thanks Starlit come in, we will sleep together tonight.” Said Chico and pointing to a corner of the house. Chico’s family are not a well to do family, therefore they only a room tree house, which means that the room was used as the living room, dining as well as the bedroom.
In the room, 2 of Chico’s brothers are running around playing cowboy, 2 of the sisters are doing homework at the dining table, and 2 of the little ones are sleeping on the mat on the floor. “Where is your parents Chico?” Chico replied, “They are out finding foods, and I need to take care of my brothers and sisters, now you know why I can’t come and play with you when you invited me to your house, sorry ”. Suddenly, one of the sisters woke up and cried for milk, immediately, Chico run to the stove to prepare a bottle for her. Then one of the brothers who are playing cowboy fell down and crying aloud, and Chico quickly run to him and hugged him. Starlit can see the love that Chico have for her brothers and sister and felt ashamed of herself for not giving much love to Snowangel instead always find fault with her.
Chico’s parents are back during dinner time, and Chico helped her mother prepare the dinner with the food that they brought back from the forest. Dinner was served with simple food like fruits and vegetable, and this make Starlit long for her mother fresh bake muffin and honey too. After the dinner, Chico’s father said to Starlit, “You know you made your parents very worried about you without telling them where you are. Just now, I have send message to your parents that you are staying with us tonight. Tomorrow morning I will send you back, okay” Starlit nodded, infact she had already missed her family.
They slept on the floor that night which covers by only dry grasses and the floor which was hard and dirty, “Ouch, the dried grasses poke me, it was so uncomfortable and the floor is hard too, how I wish I am in my own room and in my soft bed”.
The next day, after thanking Chico and her family, Starlit started for home together with Chico’s father. When she saw her parents and Snowangel waiting anxiously on the porch. She then run towards them and hugged them, “Papa, Mama I am sorry” Her mother hugged her tightly, and cried, “Make sure you do not runaway anymore, you frighten me”.
Moral of the story, sometimes we do not treasure things that we have, until we have lost it.
Comments are needed here, to better myself. Big Thank You.
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