It was totally different from what Alex taught us, but it is fun and our group absorb very fast because of the foundation which was build up during Alex’s TUOS.
We have been given 2 stories to read before we attend the 3days workshop,
Story 1: The ruined Man who Became Rich Again through a Dream
Story 2: The Three Apples from the 1001 Nights
On the 3rd day, we need to do a group presentation on a story that we invented,here is our story.

There is a place in the deep-deep jungle called Ting Tong Jungle. Where everything is so beautiful, serene and peaceful, there lives a proud grasshopper by the name of Grasso, who always thinks that he is the greatest in the insects’ kingdom.

One day while he was jumping from branch to branch, suddenly he saw a small green worm from a far. “Hi, wormy what are you doing there?” When the caterpillar heard that he replies, “I am not a wormy but I am Cater the caterpillar”.
“A worm is a worm, you moves so slow and not like me, I can fly and jump very
high”. If you do not believe me, let’s have a long jump competition to see who has the greatest strength and fastest. During that time, there are a lot of others insects around, like the spiders, ants (ask the audience to input more) and all of them shouted competition, competition, competition.
The grasshopper stands up tall and reply, “Yes, yes why not, I will not lose anything in this, I bet I will win”.

Beside the caterpillar, is his friend Snally a snail, who said to him, “Cater, I think you should accept the challenge”,
but reply Cater “But-but Snally, I am sure to lose I can only crawls while Grasso fly and jump.
“Be confident on yourself, there is every possibility that you can wins”.
After hearing the moral support from his friends, Cater reluctantly accepted the challenge.
On the competition day, every insect were very excited and turn up early. Grasso was the 1st to arrive and they waited, waited and waited for Cater to turn up.
At last, Cater arrived and his supporters cheered "Hip-hip hurrah, here comes Cater".
Both of them get ready at the starting line, “Bang-bang” Grasso rushed off, leaving Cater crawl slowly from behind.
Have way through the journey Grasso looked back and know that Cater is far far away. Grasso said to him, “There I told everybody, I am the fastest see what happened?. Hiyah, I still have time let me have my meals 1st” hopped to a branch and chew on the leave. The after a full and satisfied meal he stretched and felt asleep.

Meanwhile something unexpected has happened to Cater, he has become a cocoon. "Oh no", thought Cater, "I will infact lose the race".

That evening, Cater came out from the cocoon in the form of a beautiful butterfly, and without delay he quickly flied towards the finish line, thinking that he will be the last to arrived.
But halfway through he saw Grasso sleeping on a branch and he shouted to Grasso “Hei, Grasso wake up we have not finish the race, yet"
Grasso got startled and woke up, he try to jump and fly as far as he can but it was to late, Cater reached the finished line 1st, Grasso lost the competition and Cater is the WINNER.
Do not be selfish like Grasso,
Be confident of yourself like Cater
Each one of us has a special capability and
always belief that there is every possibility something wonderful will happen.
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