Can't have enough time to jump into this space...
But anyhow I miss this part, will be coming into this space more
Should come in more, to pour out words that are jumping in my 'mind-pool'
Anyhow, for the time being I am putting my piece of work that I have a chance to create in Pris's workshop CCS 2nd - 2010. It was a 6 part story.

Once upon a time in the forest of Tinkle-tinkle, there was a young caterpillar who always called for mama-mama. Every day she will be heard, mum-mum (chewing the leave) mama-mama (crying for her mother), mum-mum , mama-mama.
She would very much like to go and find her mama, but when she looked down she saw rocks everywhere and she thought what if I fall, and further from the tree is a river, what if I fall into the river and I will be drown.
Then one day, came a snail and it introduced herself as Ms Snailly. The caterpillar looked at her and asked, if you are Ms Snailly who am I? Ms Snailly said I will call you Catery. Catery told Ms Snailly her dilemma and she do not know what to do, and he would very much wanted to find her mama. Ms Snailly thought very hard and decide to go along with Catery if she would like to go for the journey to look for her mama.
Day and night, day and night, day and night both of them travelled together to search for Catery's mama. You can see from here that Catery hair also began longer and longer. Eventually Cater needs to surrender to nature process, and she changed into a cocoon. The cocoon broke oneday, and Cater became a butterfly flew out. In the end, she managed to met up with her mama who had change into a butterfly. Snailly who has became Mrs Snailly looked up happily with her children beside her.
The End